Renovation of the existing softball field. The project scope included drainage, laser grading infield, irrigation, sod installation, and installation of a custom synthetic turf halo around home plate arc.
Demo existing area outside of playing field area. Move underground utilities as needed. Pour and place concrete curb. Install new synthetic turf and repair natural turf up to synthetic turf area.
Carolina Green Corp. installed a new artificial turf system over the existing turf on VMI Drill Field #2. We also replaced ball stop netting on both ends of the field and repaired a natural turf field that had to be crossed to complete this work.
Carolina Green Corp. replaced the existing synthetic turf on Greenway Field. This project included a kickwall area, new concrete curb, and relocating netting sleeves and netting system.
Carolina Green installed a geotextile fabric barrier on top of the existing synthetic turf at Bank of America Stadium. We then harvested and installed an entire soccer field of GameOn Grass within a 36 hour window before the game. Chelsea FC will not play games on synthetic turf; Carolina Green and GameOn Grass made it possible to host this game in Charlotte, NC.
Carolina Green Corp. grew our specialty GameOn Grass sod product, harvested, transported, and installed it at FedEx Field multiple times during the 2022 season.
Carolina Green Corp. converted the football stadium field from natural grass to artificial turf with a paved running track and events areas. The field included drainage, irrigation, electrical conduit, and stone base work. The track is and asphalt base with a Beynon surface.
Carolina Green stripped and replaced sod on two fields at the Under Armor Performance Center for the Baltimore Ravens. We installed Northbridge Bermuda GameOn Grass.
Carolina Green Corp. installed drainage systems as a solution to problematic wet areas on fairways #4, 5, 6, 14 and 18. Using our experience in athletic fields we were able to custom design a drainage system for golf applications.
Project included 2 natural grass sand-based football fields and a partial synthetic turf apron. Included major grading and rock removal, laser-grading, fully automated irrigation system with new pump station, sub-drainage system, GameOn Grass Tahoma Bermuda sod, 2 sets of hinged goal-post, and 2 ball stop netting systems
This was a completely new field and stadium build on the UVA campus. We installed a sub-surface drainage system, irrigation system, sand-based grass playing surface, infield mix, warning track material, and Latitude 36 bermudagrass sod.
WFU Hearn Plaza was completed in 2019. This was a renovation of a lawn area on WFU campus. We installed a little drainage, installed and tilled in soil amendments, then installed Fescue sod on all disturbed areas.
Carolina Green Corp. provided and installed Tifway 419 sand based Game On Grass at Quail Hollow Golf Course in Charlotte, NC.
The JMU Baseball Project in 2019 included replacing the synthetic turf on the Baseball field and expanding the warning track. We removed and disposed of existing old turf. The excavated and removed the existing warning track material. New subgrade and WT material were installed and graded. FieldTurf�s Double Play Synthetic Turf system was installed on the prepared base.
The JMU Baseball Project in 2019 included replacing the synthetic turf on the Baseball field and expanding the warning track. We removed and disposed of existing old turf. The excavated and removed the existing warning track material. New subgrade and WT material were installed and graded. FieldTurf�s Double Play Synthetic Turf system was installed on the prepared base.
This project was completed in 2020 for the University of Virginia. The project consisted of removing and disposal of the existing artificial turf and pad. Inspecting the asphalt base. Then installing an Astroturf Poligrass Platinum synthetic turf system.
This project was completed in 2020. We removed and disposed of the existing artificial turf. Next we inspected and cleaned the sub-base. Then installed Astroturf AT Rootzone 3D3 Blend 60 synthetic turf system.
This Georgetown University Soccer Field project was completed in 2019. This was a complete renovation of the existing soccer field; including a field drainage system, a new irrigation system, minor grading, and installation of our Game On Grass sod.
This project at the Miller School of Albemarle was completed in 2019. This was an unusual project; we were asked to install synthetic turf on the infield and apron areas to the homerun fence. This drastically reduces the maintenance time on a Baseball field by not having clay and warning track areas.
The Dodgertown project was completed in 2019 at the Historic Dodgertown training facility in Vero Beach Florida. This project was a complete renovation of the existing field. We removed the existing sod and organic layer. Imported soil amendments and tilled to blend with existing soil. Installed new irrigation and drainage systems. Added new clay material to the infield. Replaced the warning track material. Then installed sod.
In 2019 the Kannapolis Cannonballers (Class A Baseball) built a new stadium and field. We accepted this project at subgrade and installed drainage, irrigation, and a sand-based field. We also installed the new infield clay, bullpen areas, and warning track material. We finished this project by installing Latitude 36 GameOn Grass.
Carolina Green renovated the existing field at Carmel Christian School to include the bullpen retaining wall, the infield, and the outfield grass surface.
This project for the DC United Soccer Team was a completely new practice facility site, completed in 2021. Carolina Green constructed 2 natural turf fields and 2 synthetic turf fields. One natural turf field is a sand-based construction, the other includes a cambridge drainage system.
Carolina Green converted the existing playing field at Maryville College to a modified soil Cambridge drainage field. We stripped the existing sod and organic layer, lasergraded the subgrade, installed compost and tilled into the soil profile, installed collector pipe and laterals for drainage system, installed irrigation system, installed sand cap, and installed Bermuda sod.
Carolina Green stripped and replaced sod down first and third baselines and around the pitching mound. We also reshaped the clay on the pitching mound and homeplate areas. We then lasergraded the infield skinned area.
Carolina Green installed sub-drainage systems on 4 baseball fields at Starkey Ranch District Park in Odessa, FL
We began this project in late 2018 and completed early 2019 just in time for Baseball practices to start. This was a huge project, converting the whole baseball field from natural to synthetic turf. We removed the soil and organic layer. Installed a drainage system and new stone base layer. Fieldturf�s �Double Play� synthetic turf system was then installed.
In 2021 Carolina Green converted the parade grounds at the Marine Barracks, Washington DC to an oversized sand cap field with sub-surface drainage.
Carolina Green striped out and replaced the playing surface with Tahoma 31 Bermuda GameOn Grass.
Carolina Green provided, delivered, and installed Northbridge Bermuda GameOn Grass at the football stadium for MSU.
This job took place at Baltimore Ravens game field; M&T Bank Stadium. The job consisted of stripping out and replacing 27,300sf of sod. Sod was replaced with Tifway 419 Bermuda GameOn Grass overseeded with perennial rye.
This project was an emergent sod replacement. The day after the Army vs. Navy football game 2016, we stripped out the Army/Navy logos painted in the endzones and replaced them with fresh GameOn Grass. The Ravens grounds crew got to work painting the Ravens logos and the field was ready for the next game in less than 48 hours!
Baseball field drainage improvements. Project consists of the installation of a warning track along the outfield fence, Cambridge drainage system in existing field, warning track on sides tapering to 5' at dugout, relocation of irrigation lines, supply and installation of Tifway 419 Bermuda sod.
On this project we made soil amendments and improved the riding surface of an enclosed arena.
- Basic leveling with soil planer blade to prep base prior to installation of the approved base and layer materials.
- Provide and install 2" layer approximately 325 tons of compactible dry screenings (Vulcan Materails--M10) to establish a base layer. Compact base aggregate prior to installation of topping layer.
- Provide and install 5" layer approximately 675 tons of washed aggregate screenings (Vulcan Manufactured Sand-Washed). Grade to a smooth and level condition.
Five County Stadium: Strip, subgrade, install perimter & sand-base drainage, soil mix, irrigation, laser grade, sod
Watch VideoFootball Practice Facility: Synthetic Turf Infill System / Drainage
Football Practice Facility: Synthetic Turf Infill System / Drainage
Field Improvements including turf removal, drainage system repairs and additions, irrigation system removal and replacement, grading, sand base, sod installation, infield, warning track, and bullpens. Also a pile driven wall system was installed to eleviate sub-base movement.
Watch VideoProject to be completed in Summer 2016.
Installation of synthetic turf infield.
Removal of existing turf, laser grade, and installation of sythetc turf field and track resurface.
Carolina Green stripped out the perimeters of the grass areas along pit road, re-graded to provide a smooth transition from asphalt to dirt, and re-sodded the area.
Installation of synthetic turf baseball infield. Construction to begin in 2016.
Removal of existing turf, laser grade, and installation of sythetic turf field and track resurface.
Job included improvements to infield area, base paths and home plate area. We tilled in a clay mix and then laser graded to provide both a smooth playing surface and smooth transition to turf area.
Paul Brown Stadium: Sprig and topdress football practice fields
McCrary Park Baseball Field renovation - synthetic turf infield installation and outfield turf & grade renovation
McCrary Park Baseball Field renovation - synthetic turf infield installation and outfield turf & grade renovation
Renovation, Drainage and irrigation
New construction of baseball stadium field
Construction of 3 synthetic turf multipurpose (softball/soccer) fields
Sand-based baseball stadium field consisting of drainage, irrigation, soil modification, grading, warning track, infield install, and sod installation
Turf renovation converting natural turf grass to artificial turf. Project consists of erosion control, laser grading, installation of sub-drainage system, dynamic stone base, concrete sidewalk and fencing
Construction of 3 synthetic turf multipurpose (softball/soccer) fields
Installation of one double softball batting cage system and one single softball batting cage system, including fabrication and installation of site improvements.
Turf renovation converting natural turf grass to artificial turf. Project consists of erosion control, laser grading, installation of sub-drainage system, dynamic stone base, concrete sidewalk and fencing
Construction of 3 synthetic turf multipurpose (softball/soccer) fields
Princess Anne Athletic Fields: New construction of 16 fields, soil amendments, laser grade, irrigation, drainage, sod
Princess Anne Athletic Fields: New construction of 16 fields, soil amendments, laser grade, irrigation, drainage, sod
Design and build soccer fields
Construction in progress.
Renovations to the existing soccer field installing cambridge style drainage system, laser grading, field drainage, irrigation, sand injection and sod installation
Dillard Complex Rec Field: Install Cambridge Drainage System - Turf renovations consist of laser grading, field drainage, irrigation, sand injection, and sod installation
- Install basic erosion control measures that include a construction entrance, silt fence, safety fence, tree protection and inlet protection.
- Demo existing storm water outfall, fencing, concrete pad and curb
- Excavate existing topsoil to establish a subgrade. Spoils will be disposed off-site to an approved dumpsite.
- Laser grade subgrade to a mirror image of finish grade. Laser grading to a tolerance of 1/4" over 25' will be used during all grading operations.
- Install 10',8' and 6' HDPE collector lines to include two 8' cleanouts
- Install storm water structures with two 48� manholes, 18� RCP and outfall spreader
- Install 12' flat panel pipe and tie into collector lines.
- Install Concrete anchor curb with wooden nailer along perimeter of synthetic turf.
- Install 390' of concrete anchor curb with channel drain. Catch basins will tie into the 6' collector lines.
- Install 730 lf of new 8' vinyl chain link fence with 3 gates. Fence will be installed within the concrete anchor curb.
- Install geo-textile fabric over the entire field.
- Install 4' under Type B turf and 6' stone gravel base material under Type A turf, laser grade, and compact in preparation for artificial turf installation
- Grade disturbed areas around the synthetic field and seed with fescue grass seed.
- Remove construction entrance and repair disturbed areas.
- Clean up site for final inspection.
Field Renovation Project to begin in 2016
Richardson Field: New construction of synthetic turf base and field installation
New construction of synthetic turf base and field installation
This project involved constructing a new horse riding arena on top of native soil.
- Spray out and dispatch vegetation. Grade subgrade
- Provide and install 4" aggregate base over subgrade.
- Provide and install 1" of angular sand over base, blend top 1" into base
- Compact and lasergrade arena for smooth riding surface.
- Build wooden fence, install sod around perimeter to stabilize.
Prep subgrade, intall synthetic turf base, nailer and turf, wall padding, hanging goal system, ballstop netting, and outdoor synthetic turf area
Prep subgrade, intall synthetic turf base, nailer and turf, wall padding, hanging goal system, ballstop netting, and outdoor synthetic turf area
Football Practice Field: Renovation of 2 natural fields, Synthetic turf installation
Latham Baseball Field renovation - synthetic turf infield installation and outfield drainage & irrigation installation, turf & grade renovation
Watch VideoInstallation of a synthetic turf area and sand pit
Latham Baseball Field renovation - synthetic turf infield installation and outfield drainage & irrigation installation, turf & grade renovation
Watch VideoSynthetic turf field installation (Fieldturf)
Synthetic Turf field installation (Fieldturf)
Synthetic turf field installation (Fieldturf)
This project included the construction of a brand new field in a new stadium at East Tennessee State University.
- Lasergrade Subgrade
- Install nailer for turf attachment
- Installed drainage system including flat panel drain.
- Installed dynamic stone base over geotextile fabric.
- Provide and install artificial turf including custom 50 yardline and endzone logos.
- Installed goalpost and balllstop netting system.
Installation of Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod & bullpen installation.
Renovation of natural turf playing surface; all clay surfaces in and around the playing surface; and the warning track around the playing surface. Project includes installation of Tilway 419 Bermuda sod.
Soccer Stadium Field: Laser grade, create uniform soil profile, install cambridge drainage system, new irrigation, sod and topdress
The scope of this project included sub-drainage, laser grading, irrigation, rootzone import and grading, infield install, warning track, bullpens, and sod installation. The project was completed during the Winter so special grow-covers were used to help the sod establishment.
Baseball Field renovation, to include cambridge drainage, irrigation, and synthetic turf infill behind home plate
Baseball Field renovation, to include cambridge drainage, irrigation, and synthetic turf infill behind home plate
Baseball/softball field construction
This was a renovation of an existing softball practice facility. Carolina Green Corp essentially demolished the old field and built a new one. The scope of work included establishing a new subgrade, installation of black chain-link fence including gates and dugouts, backstop padding and fence top safety padding, aluminum bleachers and team benches, potable water and irrigation, electric lines run to dugouts and scoreboard, infield mix and warning track material import and grading, and sod installation.
- Establish new subgrade
- Installed black chain-link fence around perimeter including gates and dugouts.
- Installed backstop padding and fence top safety padding.
- Installed aluminum team benches and bleachers.
- New batting cages constructed
- New domestic water and irrigation installed.
- New electric lines run to supply dugouts and scoreboard.
- Infield mix and warning track material installed.
- Installed sod.
On this project we turned an old basketball gym into a batting cage area for Baseball/Softball. Carolina Green provided and installed non-infill synthetic turf. We installed the netting for the batting cage system. Also, we took down and removed the old basketball backboards and hoops.
JMU Field Hockey � 2014 Removed existing turf, E-Layer and Stone Base. Replaced irrigation, installed a 3� Porous Asphalt Surface, a 15mm EDPM E-Layer and a new Field Hockey Artificial Turf System.
Converting existing natural grass field to artificial turf.
Converting existing natural grass field to artificial turf.
Football Stadium Field: drainage installation
Renovation of a natural grass field to a synthetic turf field. Inculuding complete renovation of the irrigation system, installation of drainage system and dynamic stone base and Permavoid collection system. The field was completed with the installation of Fieldturf.
Project consists of installation of new practice soccer field and full replacement of existing soccer stadium complex. Both fields are identically sand-capped flat fields.
Osborne Stadium Field Replacement: Excavate existing soil, laser grade subgrade, install drainage and irrigation system including pump station and backflow preventer and install sod.
The project included building a new Hammer/Discuss/Multipurpose field. We laser-graded to provide a smooth final grade. Installed a concrete hammer/throws circle with center drainage. Erected a NCAA certified Hammer/Throws Cage. Installed a new irrigation system and put down 33,000 sf of Latitude 36 sod.
Renovation of fields including drainage installation, regrade infield and mounds, irrigation upgrades, and sod installation
Renovation of existing natural soil field to sand based system. Established subgrade. Installed collector drain around field perimeter. Installed lateral drains throughout playing area. New irrigation system. Installed gravel and rootzone layers. Sod with Latitude 36. Also, installed drainage system in "D-ring"areas.
Watch VideoBeginning in 2015, construction of new multipurpose fields including well installation, water lines, irrigation and grassing.
Doak Stadium: Laser grade, irrigation, sand based rootzone, drainage, sod, infield mix, warning track
Soccer field installation consisting of laser grading, soil admendments, irrigation, cambridge drainage and sod installation
Supply Sod on Plastice for End Zone Replacement Mid Season
Removal of existing natural turf, laser grading field, installation of cambridge drainage and sod installation.
Strip sod, cut infield 14", lower entire field grade, new irrigation, cambridge drainage and Patroit Sod
Baseball Field
Watch VideoRenovation of Baseball Field - drainage, irrigation, grading, warning track, synthetic turf collar installation
Renovation of Baseball Field - drainage, irrigation, grading, warning track, synthetic turf collar installation
Irrigation, fencing, backstop, sidewalk, infield, sod
Renovation of one softball field at the Arnold Burton Complex in Salem VA.
Take a look at our recent Texas A&M project. The video provides a time lapse from start to finish with our Texas A&M project.
Watch VideoRenovation of sand-based natural turf field. Project involves excavation of surface, amending the rootzone, infield and warning track renovation and sod installation.
Installed Cambridge Drainage systems on several multipurpose fields. Also used sand injection system on fields with the worst water issues.
Work performed: Removal and installation of irrigation heads, blecavate, laser grade, and sprigging.
New construction of football practice fields consisting of modified soil, cambridge drainage, sand injection, irrigation, bermuda sod, fencing and field equipment
Removal of existing sod, modification of soil for improved drainage, grading, and resod field.
Soccer field installation consisting of laser grading, soil admendments, irrigation, cambridge drainage and sod installation
Stadium and Practice Fields: Strip sod with combinator and install Carolina Green thick cut bermuda sod on areas in both fields
Field demolition and grading work to prep for new sod installation
This was a unique job installing an artificial turf perimeter around the entire field leaving the playing field surface natural grass.
- Demolition of existing shrubs and turf area.
- Establishing subgrade for areas receiving synthetic turf.
- Replaced existing irrigation system.
- Installed new drainage system.
- Installed curb to attach synthetic turf.
- Installed gravel base and lasergraded
- Provided and installed artificial turf infill system.
Sod replacement: Installation of tifway Bermuda regular cut sod.
Kenan Stadium Field: End zone renovations including installation of drainage, rootzone, sod, synthetic turf base and turf systems.
Boshamer Stadium: Sand-based baseball stadium field (drainage, irrigation, soil modification, grading, warning track, infield install)
This project invovled construction of one natural surface playing field including a surronding track; and a large synthetic turf field lined for muiltipurpose use
- Laser grade subgrade
- Install concrete curb with chainlink fence in curb
- Installed a ball-stop netting system tied in to the fence.
- Installed sub surface darinage.
- Installed gravel base layers under sythetic turf.
- Installed synthetic turf system with Brock Powerbase anti-shock pad.
- Installled underdrainage system
- Laser grade
- Install new irrigation system
- Installed new drainage system
- Installed gravel and rootzone layers
- Provide and install Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod
- Installed shot put pads
- Installed hammer and discus pad
- Installed concrete "tent pad"
Project included the emoval of existing turf, laser grading, and installation of GameOn Grass sod grown on plastic.
Boshamer Stadium: Sand-based baseball stadium field (drainage, irrigation, soil modification, grading, warning track, infield install)
Baseball Stadium: Design/build sand-based baseball stadium field
Demolition of existing football field, drainage and irrigation system. Installation of new playing field to include laser grade, drainage system, irrigation system, natural turf surface and appurtenances.
Project to begin in 2016.
Beckam Softball Stadium field renovation included subsurface drainage, infield mix, warning track, sod installation, and irrigation. Custom synthetic bullpens areas were built on home and visitor sides.
Watch VideoNew construction of a sand-based baseball stadium field.
Project included stripping and replacement of full field with GameOn Grass Tifway 419 Bermuda sand based sod grown on plastic and hauling spoils from the site.
Full replacement of offensive and defensive field using a combination of GameOn Grass and regular cut sod.